Webinar Recordings

Past Webinars

In 2019-20, 2018-19, & 2017-18 the webinar series Weathering Change: Local Solutions for Strong Communities, was presented by Antioch University New England, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The 2016-17 webinar series was presented by Antioch University New England, in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


The Work within the Work: Expanding Environmental Justice and Civil Society through Climate Adaptation, Mitigation and Community Resilience

 Resources shared by presenters and participants   This keynote presentation is part of the 2021 Virtual Local Solutions: Climate Preparedness and Communities of Practice Conference sponsored by The Island […]


Views that Matter: Race and Opinions on Climate Change of Boston Area Residents

The webinar focuses on results from a first of its kind survey of 200 Boston area residents from each of these groups: Blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans, and whites. Beyond the presentation and discussion of key findings, the webinar will encourage a broader consideration of challenges and opportunities in designing, funding, and administering studies aimed at elevating the voices of racial groups in climate related work.


Climate Migration: Research, Analyze, Implement–What can We Learn from Other Places?

Climate change is a human rights issue. 13 million U.S. coastal residents are expected to be displaced by 2100 due to sea level rise. This webinar will showcase recent research and work compiled by CLF, Antioch University, and the state of VT on the potential impacts on receiving communities. Discussion will also center on how cities can start to plan and engage their community members on preparing for these impacts. Strategies to tackle climate change must prioritize the most impacted and least resourced communities.


Enhancing Opportunities for Socially Vulnerable Populations to have “A Seat at the Table” in Climate Resilience Planning

While all people living in the United States are affected by climate change, some communities and some populations are more vulnerable to changing climate conditions than others.  Extensive research here in the United States and across the world points to populations of concern including those that are low-income, people of color, immigrant populations, people with limited English proficiency, Indigenous people, older and younger adults, people with disabilities and compromised health and mental health conditions, and others. 


Research as Climate Advocacy: Using Scholarship for Social Change

A joint presentation from the Weathering Change and Environmental Advocacy Webinar series. Research on climate change and societal response to the issue may have started in the academy, but it didn't stop there. Advocates, whether in collaboration with scholars or on their own, have developed an extensive and varied corpus of research on climate impacts, policy responses, and approaches to build public support and political power on climate change.


Opportunities and Challenges for Addressing Flooding and Stormwater Management: Lessons and Tools from the Great Lakes

Join Antioch University New England, NOAA, and the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit for an exploration of some of the opportunities and challenges for addressing flooding and stormwater management in communities surrounding the Great Lakes.


Impacts of a Changing Climate on Wetland Ecosystems

This webinar will review the potential impacts of a changing climate on wetland ecosystems, with a focus on the glaciated northeast. The presentation will review three types of wetlands: vernal pools, peatlands and tidal marshes with an eye to the vulnerability and potential resilience of such systems to the current and projected changes is temperature, precipitation and atmospheric carbon dioxide content. Response of these ecosystems to such disturbances will be considered through different spatial scales.


Small Town Resilience: Lessons From Maine

From ocean acidification and warming, to broadband internet, renewable energy and sea level rise, small communities in Maine are making great strides in their future resilience. Join members of the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation & the Future and the Island Institute, a community development organization that has worked to sustain Maine’s Island and Coastal communities for over 37 years. They will share an update on the work of the Maine Climate Council and stories of resilience from along Maine’s rural coast.


Climate Impacts: Public Health Webinar

Join us for our January webinar as we discuss how to leverage existing public health infrastructure to build climate resilience and engage and serve front line communities that are most vulnerable. More information coming soon.


Strategies for 21st Century Risk Management and Climate Change Communication

Join us for our October webinar where we discuss how to effectively engage stakeholders in conversations about climate change in order to build the political will and public support needed for implementation of resilience efforts.  We will discuss communication and engagement best practices and how to identify and implement effective communication and engagement through evidence-based strategies.


Mapping and Understanding Heat Health Vulnerability Webinar

Longer, stronger, and more frequent heat waves have galvanized public health, climate science, and planning professionals into action to prepare for their impacts. Urban areas present a unique challenge to building heat resilience, particularly because of the differential impacts on vulnerable populations.


Climate Change: What’s natural, what’s human-caused, and how do we know?

It is well known that Earth's climate changes due to natural cycles of various length: from the ice ages to El Nino. We also know conclusively that human emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are causing the Earth's average temperature to warm rapidly, causing glaciers to melt, sea level to rise, and storm patterns to change. Thus, the climate that we experience at any time results from some combination of natural and human causes. How do climate scientists disentangle these effects to identify the true impact of human activities on climate? We will explore this complex question through case studies focused on extreme storms in the northeast USA and glacial melting in Greenland. This research involves the use of ice cores, weather station data, and the latest global and regional-scale climate models.


Community-Based Climate Change Resilience Planning, Strategies and Case Studies

This session will feature presentations of ongoing projects that are focused on community-led climate change planning efforts in the Northeast. The presentation will include findings from a multi-year planning process in New York City focused on social equity outcomes in sustainable development projects (now in The Upper Manhatta(n) Project book), and a new partnership between the High School for Environmental Studies and several environmental organizations in which students are prototyping rapid local solutions for the flooding, heat, and other impacts of climate change.


The Role of Buyouts in Flood Resilience

Note: While the webinar itself was 75 minutes long, the presenters graciously stayed on the line for nearly two hours to answer all of the questions that participants had posed […]


Innovative Engagement Strategies Webinar

Struggling to engage stakeholders in outreach events? This session covers innovative, emergent practices to engage the community. Through best practices and lesson learned, participants learned the basics of developing an effective climate engagement strategy for their target audiences. This session covered: Tips on developing values based framing; Examples of community engagement approaches Common communication challenges and how to overcome these challenges based on translated and applied social science research.


Built Environment – Resilient Water Features Webinar

Climate change is expected to produce heavier rainfalls and more intense storms that can contaminate lakes and estuaries, while rising seas drive stronger currents that combine to erode shorelines. Resilient communities will need to be able to live with more water in motion. This webinar uses water resources planning and adaptation to better prepare for the next emergency, and to sustainably manage flooding and sea level rise.


A Breath of Fresh Air: Managing Air Quality

Slides for A Breath of Fresh Air Burning fossil fuels for energy, driving cars, and incinerating garbage are all practices that cause air pollution leading to a number of health […]


Working with Difference: Practices for Cultivating Change

Presentation Slides Quadrant Framework Bridging differences is an essential step toward a more resilient future. In order to address current and impending impacts of climate change, we must work collaboratively. This […]


Enhancing the Resilience of Seniors in Your Community

This webinar focuses on the safety and well-being of seniors within the context of climate change. Using a participatory adaptation planning process conducted with members of the senior community in Bridgeport Connecticut as a case study, the presentation describes seniors’ unique characteristics that put them at risk to climate change and shares specific recommendations to enhance their resilience.


Where to Put the Water: Assessing the Vulnerability of Urban Stormwater Systems to a Changing Climate

This webinar uses the cities of Minneapolis and Victoria, MN to describe how to conduct a urban stormwater vulnerability assessment within the context of a projection of increased frequency of more extreme precipitation events.


Financing Climate Change Solutions

Although there is widespread agreement on the need for adapting to the changing climate, there is no clear consensus on how much it will cost, or how communities can pay for it. This webinar addresses what the future holds for financial support for emergency preparedness and longer range adaptation planning.


Communicating About Clean Energy and Climate Change Solutions

Participants in this webinar learned the basics of developing an effective climate engagement strategy for their target audiences. This webinar covered a summary of public opinion on clean energy and climate issues, tips on developing values based framing, examples of community engagement approaches, and common communication challenges and how to overcome these challenges based on translated and applied social science research.


Incorporating Climate Solutions

Participants will learn how to approach development, financing, and implementation of climate adaptation strategies across all municipal planning activities.


Regional Collaboration for Resilience

Participants in this webinar will learn how communities can collaborate at the regional scale to successfully advance climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.


Equitable Adaptation: Collaborating for Resilience

Climate change impacts disproportionately affect the low-income and communities of color. How can local decision makers and leaders promote effective engagement with those most likely to be impacted?


What Do Local Decision-Makers Need to Adapt to a Changing Climate: 2016 Local Solutions Report Findings

Findings and recommendations from the 2016 Local Solutions Report: Identifying and meeting the needs of local communities adapting to climate change.


A Roadmap for Transforming Energy to 100% Wind, Water and Solar

Discussed how communities and cities can help significantly transform the energy infrastructure of the United States.


Planning Ahead in the Wake of Alfred, Lee, and Sandy: Creating a Community Coastal Resilience Plan

2016-02-18 12.01 How to make a Coastal Resiliency Plan Presenters: Samuel J. Bell, Senior Hazard Mitigation Specialist, GZA Brian ten Siethoff, Principal, Cambridge Systematics Daniel C. Stapleton, P.E., Principal and Senior Vice-President, GZA […]


Navigating the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

How the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit can be used to support local planning and decisions for enhanced community resilience, by walking through the Toolkit’s 5-Step Planning Process.


Stafford Act for Community Resilience

Explored how to successfully navigate the Stafford Act when planning for and/or responding to natural disasters


Turning Up the Heat on Community Energy Security

This webinar describes economical and effective strategies for making communities more resilient to disruptions of critical services, drawing on lessons learned in the field.


Getting the Message Out

This webinar aimed to build participants’ skills in targeting communication strategies and messaging to effectively engage and strengthen community support.


Collaborating for Resilience

The challenging impacts of climate change disproportionately affect those with the least resources to prepare, sustain and recover. How do municipal decision makers and civic leaders promote effective engagement with all community members, especially those that are likely to be most impacted?


Green Infrastructure and Flood Resiliency-Land Use Management as an Adaptation Strategy in the Built Environment

This webinar addressed assessment, planning, and adaptation to not only better prepare for the next emergency, but to sustainably manage flooding, and stormwater to maintain human health and a vibrant local economy.


Assessing Vulnerability of Water Conveyance Infrastructure from a Changing Climate in the Context of a Changing Landscape

This webinar presented how to assess the vulnerability of a community’s road crossings and storm water systems to increased run-off events.


Resilient Design: Transitioning to the New Built Environment

Alex Wilson provided context for why we need to be considering resilience in looking at the built environment during the coming decades.


Interview with United Nations Environment Programme’s Keith Alverson

Abigail Abrash Walton’s Interview with United Nations Environment Programme’s Keith Alverson, head of the Climate Change Adaptation and Terrestrial Ecosystems Branch.


A Conversation with NYC’s Chief Urban Designer Alexandros Washburn

A Conversation with NYC’s Chief Urban Designer Alexandros Washburn, presented by ES Dept Chair Michael Simpson

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Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience

Antioch University New England
40 Avon Street
Keene, NH 03431-3516

supported By

Antioch University New England

©2025 Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience.

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