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Day 1: Monday April 4th, 2016

Day 1: Welcome and Keynote (video)


Avis Ransom, Commission on Sustainability Baltimore
A. Stanley Meiburg, Acting Deputy Administrator, U.S. EPA


Communication and Engagement Track

Planning and Process Track

Built Environment Track

Human Health and Ecosystem Services Track

Equitable Adaptation: Collaborating for Resilience Planning for the Needs of At-Risk Communities Living with the Old, Building for the New: Resilient Buildings Partnerships that Work: Enhancing Ecosystem Services
Effectively Using the Preparation Frame Conducting Vulnerability Assessments: Flooding Turning Up the Heat Understanding the Psychology of Trauma: Key Competencies for Working with Survivors of Climate Change Impacts
Picture this … Using Visualization and Storytelling to Engage around Climate Risk and Resilience Conducting Vulnerability Assessments: Heat Critical Infrastructure: Energy & Transportation, What Can Local Decision Makers Do Low-Cost Resiliency: Ecosystem Services and the Municipal Budget



Adaptive Gradients in the Coastal Environment: A Framework for Decision-Making on Infrastructure Responses

Day 2: Tuesday April 5th, 2016

Keynotes and Lunch Panel

Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford University & The Solutions Project
Lunch—Panel: Financing Strategies
Deb Markowitz, Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources, State of Vermont
Joel D. Scheraga, Senior Advisor for Climate Change Adaptation, EPA Robert
Sanders, Senior Finance Director, Clean Energy Group
Michele Demers, Founder and CEO, Boundless Impact Investing


Communication and Engagement Track

Planning and Process Track

Built Environment Track

Human Health and Ecosystem Services Track

Reaching Beyond the ‘Usual Suspects’: Innovative Strategies to Engage the Community Incorporating Adaptation into Day- to-Day Planning Living with Water The Future of Ecosystem Services: Does climate change really matter?



Community- and City-Scale Options for Transforming Energy to 100% Wind, Water, and Solar
How to (and Not to) Talk About Climate Change for Resilience: A Workshop on Using National Trends, Local Data, and Behavioral Science to Customize Your Message
Local Climate Change Visioning: Using Future Scenarios and Visualization to Enhance Planning and Engagement
Monitoring Adaptation Progress: From Assessing Climate Impacts to Evaluating Implementation Success
Navigating the Stafford Act and the New FEMA Requirements for Mitigation Assistance
Implementing a Climate Resilience Program: U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit and Using Downscaled Climate Data
Communicating About Climate Impacts and Engaging Stakeholders in Solutions


Day 3: Wednesday April 6th, 2016

Business Continuity: In the Face of Extreme Weather

Welcome and Opening Remarks: Michael Simpson Topic: Primer on Science of Extreme Weather and Sea-Level Rise
Panel Discussion: What Could Happen When That Big Storm Hits
Business Continuity Planning Overview — Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Scott Cave
Keynote Speaker: Bob Perciasepe Topic: Building Business Resiliency Strategies
Business Continuity Exercise — Put Your Plan to the Test: Scott Cave Topic: Is Your Business Prepared to Weather the Storm?
Debrief of the Day: Michael Simpson
Topic: Important First (Next) Steps for Businesses

Education Summit

Track I: Formal Education

Track II: In-formal Education

Complexity Builds Resilience: Building Oyster Reefs and Community Connections Living Shore: Building Resilience through Education and Collaboration on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
Nature-Based Guides to Effective Teaching and Learning What’s the Sweatuation?: Using informal approaches to climate change education and network building
Become an Energy Savings Superhero Education About and Toward Resilience: Examples from NYC post-Hurricane Sandy
Earthling Power: How Nature Study & Play Shape Our Understanding of Community Community Climate Change Fellowship Program: Building Climate Change Resilience at the Community Level
Leading Resilience through Leading Institutions Climate Change Communication Strategies
Climate Change Education in Baltimore Building Student Environmental Leadership for a Greener School System
A Place-based, Educational Videogame for Building Awareness and Motivation around Climate Change with High School Students: “Future Delta 2.0 Climate Kids: Weaving Art, Science, and Storytelling to Support Community Resilience
Examining Student Identity and Agency in Relation to Cimate Change: a Case Study with 6th Grade Learners What’s the Sweatuation?: Using Informal Approaches to Climate Change Education andNetwork Building


Keynotes and Lunch Panel

Panel: How can we build community resilience through education?
Rose Chaffee-Cohen, High School Science Teacher, Kent Place School, Summit, New Jersey Ashley Edwards, Senior at Baltimore City College High School
Marianne E Krasny, Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Director of the Civic Ecology Lab at Cornell University
Keynote Speaker: Bill McKibben, author and a founder of


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Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience

Antioch University New England
40 Avon Street
Keene, NH 03431-3516

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