Equitable Adaptation: Collaborating for Resilience
 Equitable Adaptation: Collaborating for Resilience
Communication and Engagement Track
The challenging impacts of climate change disproportionately affect those with the least resources to prepare, sustain and recover such as low-income communities and many communities of color. How do municipal and county decision makers and civic leaders support social cohesion, and promote effective engagement with all community members, especially those that are likely to be most impacted?
This session covered:
A basic primer on justice considerations and social cohesion for equitable adaptation
Tips for promoting effective engagement with community-based organizations and historically marginalized populations
Participants left with useful methods for building equity into resilience and adaptation planning and implementation.
Moderator: Abigail Abrash Walton, Antioch University New England
Damaris Reyes, Executive Director, Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. (GOLES)
Sarika Tandon, Senior Program Associate, Center for Whole Communities